Best Dating Profile For Men

  • Oct 17, 2019 Best Dating Profile Examples for Guys #1: Fantasize Together Women want to know where you’re going. Dating a dude that’s going nowhere may have been nice during high school, but now that the women around you are all grown up they’ll want to invest in a man that has his life figured out.
  • The One That’s Funny. It’s way easier to tell someone else to be funny than it is to actually be funny, but you’re gonna want to be funny in your profile. Research conducted by eHarmony, which looked at over 12,000 online dating profiles, found funny is one of the most alluring words a man can use in his profile, as reported by women.
  • Dating Profile Example #8. Profile Text: “Simple kind of man!”. I guess one way to prove you are a simple kind of man is with a headline and profile that doesn’t use more than five words. My best online dating advice to someone who wants to use a profile like this is to not bother with online dating.
  • The best online dating profile examples for men will get the girl to think “This guy sounds really cool! I think I’ll email him!!!” and then have them send you a message. This is the exact technique I use when writing profiles for my clients.

The 3 most important components to an attractive dating profile are your photos, headline, and text. Here are 4 online dating profiles examples to attract men, and some tips to ensure you don’t send the wrong signal: 1. Look at Other People’s Profiles for Ideas. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and that appears to be true.


In our dynamic, social, and media-dependent world, people completely rely on the Internet – from maintaining the connection with old school friends to finding a loved one. The most difficult part of dating on the Internet (except for communication with new people) is to create the most attractive profile on the dating site to stand out from the crowd and attract as much attention of the fair sex as possible. Today you are going to learn how to write a dating profile and familiarize yourself with the good dating profile examples for guys.

Reasons Why Women May Not Like Your Profile

The most common reason why girls do not respond to men’s messages on a dating site is that their profile pages are dull, misinformed, and ridiculous. Before answering the message, a girl carefully examines your profile page – she reads the personal information and looks at the photos to get a general idea of what kind of person you are and whether you are worth her time. Therefore, check out the most common mistakes that men make in their profiles on dating sites.


Stupid half-naked selfies

Ah, selfie! Nowadays, all people take them. But you should use different types of photos to attract girls. Indeed, after the tenth photo of your beach-ready body, a woman starts thinking that you have no friends who can take a full-length picture of you. Moreover, your photos do not have to be half-naked to work well. This tip is especially good for men who show their muscle-bound biceps in all the photos! Women who view your profile have no purpose to see all the parts of your body. Remember that neatly dressed men are not less sexy and attractive than a half-naked musclehead.

Vulgar stuff in bio

Perversity and vulgarity in your bio, as well as the unsuccessful photos, frighten the girls away. If a girl understands that you are sexually addicted and look for a woman just for the sake of one-time sex, she immediately tells you to get lost (in case she does not have the same intention). Therefore, do not write anything about your sexual preferences, experience, and penis size. Moreover, do not write vulgar phrases and detailed descriptions of your sexual victories.

Photos with other girls

Best Pictures For Dating Profile For Men

Of course, she can be your sister, niece, or best friend. But since women on the other side of the screen do not know how to read minds, they will surely decide that this is your ex or future girlfriend. Or maybe you are already dating!

It is not your picture in the profile

This is even worse than the previous point. Firstly, it is difficult for girls to understand what kind of person you are if it is not your picture in the profile. Secondly, the absence of the profile photo causes distrust and suspicion. Maybe you are a scammer or even a maniac? Decent girls will never agree to a personal meeting with such a man.

Misspellings and mistakes

Sometimes even the best philologists in the world make mistakes. And this is quite normal. Especially, if you fill out a questionnaire in a foreign language. In this case, you should contact a qualified specialist and ask for help with the translation or use online spelling services where you can check the text of your profile questionnaire for mistakes. It is easy and does not take much time. In addition, most single women seeking single men say that illiteracy pushes them away. Moreover, it is important not only to complete the questionnaire without mistakes but also to express your thoughts correctly. Do not write the words in CAPITAL LETTERS, or else you will look like a nervous schoolboy.

You are trying to draw yourself as a macho

No matter how self-confident you are, do not describe your personality with lofty speeches. “I am second to none” does not sound cool but snobbishly and boastfully. How are you going to prove it? If you are handsome – a girl will see it in the photos. If you are smart, you will prove it during the communication. And if you are Leo Tolstoy just in words and not in deeds, then you will remain “second to none” but lonely until the end of life.

Dating Profile Picture Tips

When planning to find love on a dating site, do not forget about simple rules that can help you increase the chances of success. First of all, it is important to think about high-quality photos – it is not a secret that most of the users view the questionnaires reflexively and pay attention to those photos that catch their eye and spark the interest. How should a profile picture look like to attract more attention of the representatives of the opposite sex? There are useful tips on how to make your photo better.

  1. Smile. Ideally, a man should smile in the photo. It makes a woman realize that he is an open-hearted and ingenious person whom she can trust.
  2. Clothing. Women always take care of themselves and want their men to be neat too. Therefore, girls pay much attention to the clothes of men not only in real life but also on dating sites. It does not have to be a dinner-jacket. A neat sweater, shirt or even a tracksuit do quite nicely. The main thing is cleanliness and neatness. Even an expensive T-shirt that looks wrinkled or grease-smeared will scare a woman away as it causes associations with a dirty and sloppy person.
  3. Inappropriate items. There should be no foreign objects in the background and foreground of the profile photo. You should not post a photo with a bottle of beer or a cigarette on the best site to meet women, so as not to create the impression of a person with bad habits.
  4. Do not post group pictures. A group picture as a profile photo will not help you attract the attention of women since a girl will not be able to find you among all these people. Moreover, you should not post on a dating site a cropped picture from a group photo, where one can see a part of someone’s leg or arm. It is best to choose personal photos in which you are in nature or on vacation. Also, you can use photos in which you are busy doing things you love. Thus, it will be easier for you to find common topics for communication with girls.
  5. The number of photos. The more photos you have on the profile page, the greater the chance that you will find a loved one is. But do not overdo it, the quality first! The ideal number of photos is about 10-20 high-quality pictures.

Improving your bio in an online dating profile

It may seem that girls give the most of attention to the photos of men on dating sites. But this is not so. A correct profile page works even better than dozens of high-quality photos. We would like to bring to your attention some effective online dating profile tips on how to improve your bio on the online dating site.

Decide what kind of relationships you look for

Write about what you are looking for in a partner and what kind of relationship you would like to have. It should not take the bigger part of the personal information, but if you have certain requirements, it’s good to mention them. Do you have children from a former relationship and need someone who is not afraid of it? Write about it. Do you want a romantic relationship but not a one-night-stand? Explain it! You do not have to describe a partner of your dreams (everyone wants someone smart, funny, secured, attractive, and faithful – it is not news), but feel free to mention some important features without which a girl cannot match you.

Be honest in your profile

Do not try to exaggerate your physical parameters. If you are 165 cm tall, then it’s best to write this – believe us, there are a lot of short girls who will be happy to date you. And a girl who is taller than you is likely to feel uncomfortable when you suddenly “decrease” at the first meeting in real life.

Also, too athletic and exaggerative data about your strength does not play into your hands. Do not write that you hold a black belt in karate if you do not have it. Be as honest as possible in your profile. After all, whatever is done in the dark eventually comes to the light.

Briefly describe your values, goals, and lifestyle

When you write about yourself, you should pay special attention to life priorities. It is important to indicate who you are, what you do, and what you strive for. Girls are always interested in how to spend time with a man. So do not forget to describe your hobbies and interests. In case your job is boring, your hobbies can have a romantic shade. As girls like traveling, outdoor activities, and tourism – in short, everything that brings new sensations. Even if you have the most typical hobbies, describe why you like doing it!

Add some mystery but don't overdo

Do you always read long descriptions to the end? When writing about yourself, avoid endless listing of your merits, hobbies, or skills. Long lists – as well as long stories – are boring, and no one reads them to the very end. After all, girls want to learn something interesting about you, but not to read the story of your life. Moreover, a girl might think that you get a bit above yourself and, most likely, she will have to play the role of your silent impersonal listener. Therefore, two small paragraphs of information about you are quite enough.

There is another reason why too much information in the profile is a mistake: you are killing the mystery. Thus, you will have nothing left to tell a girl you like. Therefore, add some mystery but do not overdo it. You should not write phrases like, “Do you want to know more about me? Write to me!” It does not work because girls will not waste their precious time on you.

Dating Profile Examples for Men

What is a good online dating profile template? How should an ideal profile page of a man look like? For the representatives of the stronger sex, it is usually more difficult to write information about themselves on a dating site, so a lot of men look for online dating profile examples. After all, it is not enough to simply present themselves, as women do. What should a man write in a profile? How to write an online dating profile to attract the attention of women? We have prepared the best dating profile examples for you.

Example 1

My whole life is a series of different interesting events. For some people, they seem like adventures, but for me, these are just ordinary things. However, I’m lacking a loved one. To be honest, I don’t have enough time to look for a girl with whom I would share my life. So I decided to create a profile page here. Moreover, it is very easy to meet an interesting person on the Internet. I am always independent in everything – from housework and cooking to choosing friends. My interests are diverse, but they are mainly related to the humanitarian field – journalism and philology, social activities and history. I never lie and cheat on people who are dear to me. I have a secluded lifestyle. I like to travel. I have a child who lives with my former partner, I do not maintain relations with the ex (I consider it is unthinkable).

Example 2

My life is full of interesting events. The only thing I miss is a beloved girl nearby. I think that there are no unattractive people, and every girl is beautiful in her way. Therefore, the appearance of a lady does not matter to me. I decided to create a profile on this dating site because I consider it a good way to find not just a wonderful girlfriend but also a reliable friend. I am an IT specialist. Also, I love nature and sports. My weakness is delicious homemade food. I don't have children, but I love them very much and want to create a strong happy family.

There are no personalities on a dating site. There are images. And if your image is designed correctly – it will work well. Write the 'best truth' about yourself and spice it with charisma and a good sense of humor. You have just a few minutes to draw the attention of a woman to yourself and spark her interest, so make sure that your profile page creates the right impression. Take this seriously, use our dating profile template, and you will find a girl of your dreams!

Online Dating App Photo Tips For Guys, Girls. Appropriate, Flattering & Recommended Photos For Your Profile. How To Take Good Dating Profile Photos + Worst Photos For Using Tinder

Best dating profiles for men examples

What Makes A Good Tinder Profile? Dating Profile Examples & Good Profile Pictures

When it comes to dating apps, especially volume-based swiping apps like Tinder, photos are everything. Some people treat Tinder jokingly and make lazy attempts at profiles only to end up wondering why they can’t get likes and matches and eventually shell out money for bells and whistles upgrades which are not really effective for most folks.

Given that Tinder has one of the most lopsided gender ratios of any dating app on the market, good photos are crucial to have any sort of success on the platform.

Best Photos For Tinder: What Pictures To Put On Tinder Profile & How To Get More Right-Swipes On Tinder

In order to get right-swipe worth photos, you need to make sure the photos you do use are flattering, well lit, not only show your face and physique but also your style, smiles, hobbies, passions, guilty pleasures and occasional self-deprecating humor.

The below guidance provides more concrete and advanced tips for sorting through, prioritizing and selecting photos for your dating profile. These are general rules of thumb and with everything in life there are exceptions to the rules. If you visit forums like Reddit you will get a range of opinions but each of those opinions lacks context about users experience, looks, demographics etc.

Typically, women have more wiggle room when it comes to photos because of the gender ratios on most dating apps. Also, the more attractive people are the more they seemingly get away with on dating apps. With that said, improving the quality of the photos as outlined below will help to generate better quality likes and matches.

For additional photo tips, read this post on how to look more attractive in your photos.

How Many Photos Should You Use On Tinder Profile? Is One Picture Enough For Tinder?

Ideally, you need 4 to 6 unique photos for a dating profile. Most guys struggle to get this number of photos and even though there is room for 9 photos, keep in mind you are only as attractive as your worst photo. With that said, the 4 to 6 photos you do use should be unique in pose, outfit, environment and expression. You don’t want all super wide smiles nor all photos in the same dark outfits. Photos should have some variety in terms of backgrounds, poses, angles, crops and lighting. If you use 1-2 photos, expect people to left swipe on you regardless of looks

Tinder Photo Rules: What Should Your First Tinder Pic Be?

Assume people may not look past your first photo. Avoid sunglasses, shirtless photos, hats and group photos. Photos should be clear, be taken of you and be a flattering photo (ideally your best photo effortless and other photos should not be a complete drop off). Ideally a full body photo or close up photo i.e. 1/2 body or 1/4 body. People will judge you by your worst photo.

Best Tinder Pics: Using Travel Photos On Tinder Profile

This seems super obvious but these types of photos show the type of traveler you are (beach bum, explorer, Instagram post chaser) as well as places and things you find interesting and amazing. People tend to be more relaxed and more likely to be enjoying themselves on vacation.

As an added bonus travel photos make it easier to initiate an opening message when items in the background can easily spark conversation starters. Avoid cliché places like Iceland, Machu Picchu, Tulum for your travel photo.

Pro-tip: Ask tourists and strangers to take photos of you or ask if they would like help to take a photo. You will never see them again and chances are they can take a better photo of you than you can yourself. Avoid selfies though when possible.

Tinder Tips: Group Photo / Social Environment Photos On Dating Apps

Best dating profiles for men examples

Photos taken with friends or activities you enjoy doing often yield smiles. Added validation of having friends and enjoying fun, social activities is also a bonus. Typically, group shots are taken for special occasions, events etc. These details can add context and make it easier to initiate conversation.

Pro-tip: Make sure you don’t make a group photo for your main photo and don’t include super attractive people to take attention away from you. Ask a stranger or a cute girl or guy to take these group shots rather than taking a selfie.

Special Occasions, Formal Events – Business Suits In Dating Photos

A photo in a suit or dress at a wedding, black tie event or business event can provide an opportunity to get dressed up in the appropriate (and relevant) environment and give a glimpse of your style and how you clean up. Events like this are rare and people are likely to snap photos of each other so why not ask a stranger for help in taking a photo.

Pro-tip: See if there is a professional photographer at the event and get your photo taken.

Tinder Photos Tips: Halloween Costumes, Festive Holidays,

This holiday is a great time of the year to show your creativity and spirit which is hard to convey in text. With opportunities to take photos at office parties and contests as well as social parties, this day is the easiest day to capture photos as well as initiate conversation on and offline. Other days include Derby day, costume parties, all-white Diner en Blanc parties, and more.

Pro-tip: Make sure to capture photos of yourself and group shots early in the day/night as costumes fall apart, people get sloppy and makeup starts to get ruined.

Outdoor / Physical Activity, Full Body Photos

A carefully (tastefully) taken photo at the beach, athletic attire out hiking can provide an excuse to show a little extra skin, muscle definition, lean body and energy level in a natural environment with others. Photos taken in the water or pool are a natural way to take photos in a bathing suit without seeming too narcissistic or douchey. Photos with form fitting shirts and tank tops are often better than unnecessarily topless photos. Don’t pose for activity shots, they should be candid and imperfect (slightly dark, grainy, etc.)

Pro-tip: Avoid selfies, neck-down photos, photos of your stomach, flexing. Take off your sunglasses.

Close-Up Photos, Dating Headshots, Dating Profile Portraits

People want to see how you look like up close. Avoid photoshopped, embellished and skin softened LinkedIn photos and go with a close-up 1/2, 1/4 or chest up shot of you smiling or laughing.

If your headshot looks significantly different from your other photos, people will assume you don’t appear as you are and will assume your photos are fake and swipe left.

Avoid using portrait mode or excessive background blur and these come off as staged, forced rather than spontaneous and candid.

Pro-tip: Assume people will look you up on LinkedIn at some point before meeting you. Don’t have a bad headshot in your LinkedIn profile.

Restaurants, Bars & Cafés (Environmental Photos)

Your favorite food dish or beverage should put a smile on your face. A photo like this can show your favorite spots around town and possibly spark a conversation about a place the other person loves or has been wanting to explore.

Pro-tip: Recognizable locations are great but avoid cliché places.

What Pictures To Put On Tinder Female: Best Tinder Photos For Girls

Best Dating Profile For Women

The ability to share an embarrassing moment is the ultimate sign of confidence and comfort in your own skin. An epic snowboarding fail, failing into a wet cement pit or spilling something on your shirt in the proper frame and context can show you are not insecure, can laugh at yourself and are confident enough to use such a photo. Guys love these photos vs cliche, boring, generic posed photos.

Smile, Smile, Smile! Should I Smile In My Tinder Picture?

The #1 pet peeve I hear from women about dating photos from men is lack of smiles. Most men look constipated, tired, angry, lazy or EMO. Some women view dark, intense or creepy looks and smiles as automatic left swipes. Don’t let this happen to you. Looking approachable, confident and fun to be around should be your aim in photos. At the same time, the photos should be contained smiles, not so wide open that one can see the back of your mouth.

Worst Photos To Use On Tinder: Are Selfies Bad For Tinder? Should I Post A Shirtless Pic On Tinder

Using too many cliché photos as outlined here in my dating photo bingo card can hurt your chances at success as it can signal boredom, lack of creativity, or insecurity. Photos that only show the top of your body, have photos in dark lighting, photos taken from a distance, photos that don’t appear as you are today or photos with the same background, outfits, poses or head turns will definitely be noticed and swiped left on.

Should You Activate Tinder Smart Photos? Is Smart Photos On Tinder Good?

Many people struggle trying to figure out which are the best photos to use in a Tinder profile. Great Tinder photos are rather selective. They are based on lighting, pose, outfits, environment, order and lastly based on other photos other people have used that you are competing with.

Tinder Smart Photosfigures out what order to place your photos through extensive testing. It’s not something I recommend and it’s something I actually think can hurt your chances. Proceed with caution, understand its limits and seek out trusted advice instead if you have the chance.

Tinder Smart Photos / Courtesy of

Reddit Dating Subreddits

There are plenty of subreddits that talk about specific apps and online dating. Take them with a grain of salt as most people don’t have much success and resemble the blind leading the blind.






Successful Dating Profile Examples


Tinder Photo Tips: How To Take Tinder Pictures By Yourself

Read this post on how to take your own photos. Do not litter your profile with floating head Tinder selfies (no neck, shoulders, upper chest etc.). People want to see what you look like and not just your face. Your body should be shown from normal angles, don’t be fatfishing on Tinder (i.e. taking photos from unnaturally high angles to make you look slimmer).

Should I Put A Shirtless Picture On Tinder?

Typically no, but depends on who you want to attract and if you have no shame.

Sample Dating Profiles For Women

How To Add More Than 9 Photos On Tinder

Open up a photo editing tool and combine multiple photos into one i.e. 2 into 1 or 4 into 1 and upload that combined photo. With that said, you don’t need more than 4-6 photos on a dating profile as you will likely sabotage your profile with a bad photo. See rules below.

Should You Look Away In Tinder Photos?

Contrary to what you have heard, there is strong evidence to be careful about where to look.

Golden Rule of Online Dating Photos

1) You are only as attractive as your worst photo.

2) Assume most people on dating apps will judge you on your first photo, main photo.

For additional Tinder related advice, tips regarding swipe strategy, photos, profile bios and more, check out my other posts.

Additional Reading:

About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie Hernandez is an online dating consultant and professional photographer specializing in natural, candid online dating photos. Featured in the SFGate, ABC7News, East Bay Express, Salon; contributor to Good Men Project, Plenty Of Fish and Meddle. In addition to photos, he provides guidance around app choice, bio optimization, messaging techniques, wardrobe advice and date ideas.

Best Dating Profile For Men Examples

Dating Profile Critique

For those of you who are remote or virtual dating help and are looking for anonline dating profile critiqueyou can read more about my services here.

For other helpful online dating tipscheck out my blog for more helpful advice:

Online Dating Frequently Asked Questions(Photos, App Choice, Wardrobe, Messaging, Bios and More):

Tinder Description, Tinder Description For Guys, Tinder Description For Girls, Tinder Profile Tips, Dating Profile Tips, Photo Tips For Guys, Photo Tips For Girls, Photo Advice Dating Apps, Best Photos For Dating Apps, Which Photos To Use On Dating Sites, Best Tinder Photos, Good Tinder Photos, Best Photos To Use On Tinder, Best Dating Pics For Tinder, Good Dating Photos Tinder, Which Photos To Use On Tinder, Right Swipe Pics, How To Make A Good Tinder Profile, How To Get More Likes On Tinder, How To Get More Matches On Tinder, Tinder Hacks, Tinder Advice, How To Improve Your Tinder Photos, How To Improve Your Tinder Profile, Best Tinders, Tinder Messaging, Tinder Like Apps, Tell Me About Yourself Dating, Tinder Selfies, Dating Photo Selfies, Mirror Photos, Bathroom Selfies, Gym Selfies, Abs Selfies, Workout Selfies, Bedroom Selfies, Tinder Tips For Guys, Tinder Tips For Girls, Tinder Tips For Men, Tinder Tips For Women, Most Successful Tinder Profiles, Most Successful Tinder Photos, Most Right Swiped Profiles, Most Right-Swiped Photos, Best Tinder Profile Photos, Best Photos For Tinder, Great Tinder Photos, What Photos To Use On Tinder, Ditch The Tinder Selfies, Professional Tinder Photos, How To Take Tinder Photos, Are Selfies Ok For Tinder, What Is Wrong With Mirror Selfies, How To Organize Tinder Pictures, How Many Pictures On Tinder, Best Profile Pics, Best Profile Photos, Best Profile Pictures, Best Dating Photos, Best Online Dating Photos, Tinder Headshots, Best Tinder Headshots, Tinder Headshots NYC, Using Professional Headshot On Tinder, Tinder Photoshoot, Tinder Photographer, Tinder Photography, Best Online Dating Profile Pictures Examples, Good Online Dating Photos, Best Photos For Online Dating, Best Tinder Photos Reddit, How To Take Tinder Pictures By Yourself, Tinder Selfies For Guys, Best Tinder Pictures For Guys, Best Photos To Use For Dating Apps, How To Make An Effective Tinder Profile, Perfect Tinder Profile, How To Be More Photogenic Guys, Tinder Pics, What Kind Of Photos Work On Tinder, Best Profile For Tinder, Good Profile For Tinder, Tinder Profile Picture Female, Tinder Photo Rules, What Makes A Good Tinder Picture, Is Tinder Smart Photos Good, Why Does Tinder Ruin Photo Quality, How Many Pictures Should You Have On Tinder, Tinder Ditch The Selfie, Not Smiling In Tinder Photo, Tinder Pic With Dog, Good Tinder Photos For Guys, Taking Good Tinder Photos, Good Male Tinder Photos, Good vs Bad Tinder Photos, How To Make Good Tinder Photos, Cool Profile Picture, Good Profile Pic, Cute Profile Pic, What Photos Work Best On Tinder, What Pictures To Put On Tinder Female, Best Photos To Use On Dating Apps, Tinder Photoshop Template, Tinder Profile Examples, How To Make A DTF Tinder profile, What Kind Of Pictures Should I Put On Tinder, How Many Photos Should You Have On Tinder, How Many Pictures Do Guys Use Tinder, Tinder Photo Tips Ditch The Selfie, How Many Tinder Pictures Should You Have, Should I Put A Shirtless Picture On Tinder, What Should Your Tinder Profile Pic Be, Tinder Profile Examples Male, Tinder Profile Examples Female, What Pictures To Use On Tinder,