Gay Pof

Gay professional golf, also know as Plenty of Fish, is the largest completely free online dating site. No Charge: While there are upgrade options available to further enhance your experience, is the. Welcome to Plenty of Fish! Being part of our global community means that you have a commitment from us to help ensure that you feel welcomed, safe, and free to be yourself.

The Dangerous
Myth of Attraction

POF is one of the oldest dating sites on the net, and it’s been growing increasingly popular over the years. In spite of severe competition from Tinder, Mamba, Match, Bumble and other dating platforms of today, POF still claims to be the biggest site in the niche, with more than ninety million members spread across the globe. It seems that POF is targeted more specifically towards opposite-sex relationships. There isn’t anything tailored to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender community. When setting up your profile, you’ll notice that you only have the traditional gender options available.

What’s Really Preventing You From Closing the Deal and Getting More Women Back to Your Bedroom…

Gary poffenberger

Gay Of Thrones

So what is the dangerous myth of attraction preventing you from getting women out on dates, getting the kiss, closing the deal, and getting her back to your bedroom?
The dangerous myth is that: attraction is black or white

  • That a woman either wants you or she doesn’t
  • She’s attracted to you or she’s not
  • She would sleep with you or she wouldn’t

Now that’s NOT how attraction works.

Listen careful to what I’m about to say:
Attraction is NOT Black or White


This means that a woman’s opinion of you can change by the year, month, week, day…. Even by the hour…
Now this comes with good news and bad news…
Let’s start with the good news…
The good news is that even if you didn’t make a stellar first impression you can still win her over and get her wanting you…

  • Even if you’re not her “type” or she only sees you as a “friend”…
  • Even if you’ve sent her a horribly embarrassing text…
  • And even if she’s dating someone else and acts like you don’t even exist…

In a few minutes i’m going to teach you how three simple texts can change all that..
But first, I’ve got to give you some bad news…
Just because a girl has given you her number, told you to call her, or has even been out on a date with you… Does not automatically mean you will ever see her again….
When she handed you her number she did not sign a “social contract” agreeing to go out with you… It just means she was interested or attracted enough at the moment to give it to you…
Now, that interest and attraction is a good start…
Just don’t make the FATAL MISTAKE of thinking that once a woman gives you her number its game over: you win

Gary Poff

Because The Game is actually just beginning….